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Best Time for the Daily?

by Ray Foucher
(Greenwood, BC, Canada)

I'll start off the discussion by saying again that I think this is a good and very meaningful study. The greatest benefit usually comes from personal application and I am trying to do this with the information presented.

One thing I thought I would mention is that God seems to have picked the worst times for the daily. The suggestion is that we think of and connect with Him in prayer or some way at approximately 9am and 3pm - that is not easy! About 9 am we are early into our activities for the day. At 3pm we are in the middle of the afternoon trying to get our work done. I could think of more convenient times, such as 12 noon or 6pm, near meal times when we are not so engaged in our activities.

However, think about it - the very fact that it is hard to remember the appointed times, makes us think of it more. Once a habit is properly established it becomes harder to break. Stopping to connect with Him when we are busiest doing our own thing is the best way to stay connected with Him. This makes me think of:

"Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess 5:17)

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" (Eph 6:18)

Maybe (undoubtedly) He did pick the best time. After all, the busiest time of day is when we need His presence and help the most.

Another thought is that, once again, man has messed with God's timing. During the longer-daylight portion of the year, when so many areas are on daylight savings time and the clocks are turned ahead an hour, the real 9 am according to the earth's rotation happens at 10am by the (advanced) clock.

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Jan 28, 2021
Cooperate with Heaven Daily
by: Maki

Daily sacrifice was made by high priest in the Sanctuary at 9.00am morning and 3.00pm evening. Yeshua the lamb of God was hanged on the cross at 9am and He gave up His breath at 3pm for the remission of sin. We can pray all prayers and supplications at any time any moment but the DAILY appointed times are specifically for personal prayer for repentance and forgiveness. Sanctuary on earth operates on time, Heavenly Sanctuary also operates on time.Jesus is our high priest ready to forgive and pardon our iniquities with his very own blood while performing his priestly duty on timein heaven.Cooperation is needed.

Dec 31, 2016
works reply.
by: Anonymous

I think this last comment is a good point. Very often I have to question myself to make sure I'm not depending on Gods love according to works that I am doing. I have to remember that salvation and the love for me from God is based on him and nothing I am doing. But it does say to do good works to experience the JOY of salvation and probably to be blessed by God in life and in heaven. Just to not depend on them instead of grace and faith. Saying that keeping appointed times is works salvation is like saying that going to church every Sunday or keeping the Sabbath holy is part of works salvation. The point is to do what God asks because u love him and not to earn salvation.

Jul 26, 2012
by: brandon

Yea I talk to God all day long. I never had him tell me to seek him only at specific times. He said "Seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart." So I seek him constantly and I find him constantly.

Oct 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

Do you really think God cares what time you pray to Him? The Bible says "pray without ceasing" and EGW makes it clear when speaking of Enoch that his walk with God was by constantly lifting up his mind in prayer to God all throughout the day. Whether you pray at 9 or 3 or if you're walking or even in the bathroom God hears and the point is that you pray and be in that attitude. "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin" and I think it wise we be careful not to make our works the substance of our religion.

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